Consumer protection, Consumer credit

It has not escaped most entrepreneurs’ attention that dealing with consumers requires special contractual documents and the procedure (concluding contracts, making claims or setting penalties, etc.) is highly specialized. Nevertheless, we often encounter clients that underestimate this area. This is not advisable, as the penalties imposed by the Czech Trade Inspection Authority or other authorities can be significant. Such cases include, for example, the use of terms and conditions in e-shops that the client uses in other countries and only translates them into Czech language. However, this may mean that the terms and conditions are not in compliance with Czech law (even though they are based on law from some EU country) and the issue is inevitable. We will be happy to help you revise and adapt to Czech law, not only the Civil Code but also the Consumer Protection Act.

A separate legal area relating to consumer protection is the much talked about consumer loans. This business is regulated by the Czech National Bank and its strict qualifications for documents and consumer rights and obligations. Failure to comply with the terms and conditions can lead to the contract being void and therefore a financial loss for the credit provider if it is unable to apply the otherwise agreed penalties. On the other hand, consumers themselves may be harmed and, if this happens, recourse to the courts is appropriate. Legal advice can save considerable costs.

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